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Short-Term Absence Without Pay

Section 515

A short-term absence without pay may be granted to permit you to attend to urgent personal business or for other compelling personal reasons not covered under another of the college's leave plans.


Any staff member is eligible to apply for a brief unpaid absence not to exceed 10 work days in any 12-month period.

Terms and Conditions

Approval of short-term absence without pay is at the discretion of the department head.  Such approval may be granted when the employee is ineligible for or has insufficient personal time or vacation to cover the time needed. Normally all accrued vacation, personal time, etc., must be used before a short-term absence without pay can be approved.

While on short-term absence without pay, you are eligible for holiday pay and you continue to earn personal time, vacation time, and sick leave at your normal rate. Benefit coverage remains in effect.

Application Procedures

To apply for short-term absence without pay, you must complete an Application for Short-Term Absence Without Pay form and submit it to your supervisor or your department head in advance of the requested absence. The request must include the reasons for and the specific dates of the expected absence. If your supervisor and department head support your request, they will sign the form and forward it to the Office of Human Resources.

In the case of exempt staff, supervisors must notify the Office of Human Resources and forward the application form immediately so that pay can be withheld for the exact dates the employee is excused without pay.

On the time sheets for non-exempt staff, supervisors should identify excused, unpaid time and the number of hours the employee was regularly scheduled to work on each work day missed.